Moon Mission Meme Grants: Apply Now and Lead the Meme Culture on Manta Network

Manta Network
3 min readJun 19, 2024

GM degens and anons!

Ready to take your memes to the moon? The Manta Foundation just launched a historic $50 million EcoFund, and guess what? It’s dedicating $10 million of that to the Moon Mission Meme Grants. This is your shot to lead the meme wave on Manta Pacific and land in the Manta meme hall of fame.

Want to grow memes on Manta? Apply for the Moon Mission Meme Grants today.

Meme projects, memecoins, and everything in between — it’s all for the culture. Stay tuned for more juicy alpha coming your way!

For the Culture

Memes are the lifeblood of Web3 and bring us together. Whether you’re a hardcore degen or normie, we know memes are the ultimate community builders. And in Web3, community is king.

It’s time to pump Manta’s meme culture and see what crazy, creative stuff you guys come up with on Manta Pacific.

Moon Mission Meme Grants: Meme Your Way to the Top

Why Apply for the Meme Grant?

  • Community Building: The memecoin era on Manta Pacific is here y’all! Lead the charge and build the dankest meme that’ll make brainlets and wojaks go ape.
  • Unforeseen Potential: Memes aren’t just fun and games. They can go viral, support good causes, and drive real change. We’re looking for memecoins with heart and impact. Show us what you got!
  • Experimentation and Innovation: Memecoin culture is all about pushing boundaries and breaking norms. Got a wild idea? The Moon Mission Meme Grants give you the resources to experiment and innovate. Let’s cook something special this summer.

How to Apply

Got a meme project idea or already building something epic? We gotchu fam. The $50 million EcoFund is here to support you. Join us in leading the meme culture on Manta Pacific and make some big waves.

Apply for the Moon Mission Meme Grants here: Manta Network Grant Program

About Manta Network

Manta Network is the modular blockchain for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. Manta Pacific is the modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native ZK applications and dApps that want to deliver the lowest cost and best experience for users. Leveraging Manta’s Universal Circuits to enable ZK-as-a-Service and Celestia’s data availability for modularity to deliver low gas fees, Manta Pacific offers the perfect environment for ZK-enabled applications. Learn more about Manta Pacific here.

Manta Network was created by a team of experienced founders from prestigious institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Algorand. Manta Network has received investments from many of the top web3 investment funds, including Binance Labs and Polychain Capital. It has grown through participation in the best web3 accelerators, including Alliance DAO and Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator.

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Manta Network

Manta Pacific, the First Modular L2 | Backed by PolyChain, Binance Labs | 🤝 Celestia, Polygon, LayerZero